Well I still haven't managed to get my package mailed to the finisher....too much work - can you imagine my bosses wanting me tow work? How Ruuuude! Hopefully tomorrow. I did get some more stitching done though. Here is the header for Crabby and almost all of the Spider block on Boo Club - all that I have left to finish it is the star that dots the "i" and then it is on to Eek & Creepy. I've emailed the LNS where I signed up to get them shipped automatically to see when (if they even know) more will be released.........
About Me
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Hello My Name Is Boo #4 for Candice
Well here he is,
my final (I hope) Bent Creek Boo Kitty. I stitched this for my co-worker/adopted daughter Candice at her request. She gets to see most everything I stitch before anyone else and she fell in love with this lil guy. All 4 of these babies are off to my finisher tomorrow. On to other projects.....

Saturday, February 21, 2009
OMG I Did get distracted - by the mail!
You just won't believe it! I went to gather in the mail and WOOHOO I received a gift I won on the SanMan MB during Valentine's Day. I entered a contest where I had to guess how long Myrna and her husband had been married. I was 1 of 3 who guess 27 years correctly and I won by random drawing! The prize was a pinkeep Myrna made herself. I expected that but I got the cutest card and a pair of pink scissors with a crystal fob too! How sweet was that? I love all of it.
I entered a contest where I had to guess how long Myrna and her husband had been married. I was 1 of 3 who guess 27 years correctly and I won by random drawing! The prize was a pinkeep Myrna made herself. I expected that but I got the cutest card and a pair of pink scissors with a crystal fob too! How sweet was that? I love all of it.
Thank you Myrna!
So see I had a legitimate reason to be distracted......back to the grindstone.
Fright Night 2 Finished! - SanMan's 12 Days Of Halloween SAL
Well I'm done on the second chart from SanMan's 12 Days of Halloween SAL! As you could tell from the first photos I didn't go with yellow fabric. LOL Though I have some picked out for one of the future pieces. As usual I switch most of the colors - I like then REALLY bright! I added some yellow Barbie buttons for the big bat's eyes.....kinda creepy huh? Here is the way the pattern shows this piece...I'm not a big heart fan so I changed the hearts in the border pupmkins to jack-o-lantern faces. Whatcha think?
I'm on to other projects now! I did take a small break earlier to start Boo #4. Got the lil punkin's mask done as you can see here.
I wouldn't be in such a hurry to get this Boo done but I'm shipping all 4 of to my fabulous finisher Frances on Monday so I can gift them to thier new homes soon! I'll be getting back to Crabby's header as soon as I get this one done.....unless of course something else catches my eye. Hee hee hee
I'm on to other projects now! I did take a small break earlier to start Boo #4. Got the lil punkin's mask done as you can see here.

Friday, February 20, 2009
Progress On SanMan's 12 Days Of Halloween SAL
Well I've been stitching a bit here.....working on my SanMan Fright Night Chart #2 for February though we just got the chart last week I making quite a bit of headway. Here are my first 2 days of stitching progress and I'm sure to be finished tonight or early tomorrow! I've had a request for another Hello My Name Is Boo so I guess I'll get that done next before I go back to Boo Club....I would've posted these sooner but my desktop is on the fritz-usb wireless connection died! Gotta go grab another one!
More soon
More soon
Monday, February 16, 2009
Boo Club Update and a finished RR UFO!!

OMG OMG OMG I can't believe that after being sent around for 2 different Round Robins my Bent Creek Snappers are finally finished all but the actual snaps themselves!!!!! WOOHOO!!!! As you can see by the pics it took a tad over 4 years. LOL But it DID get done! Now I'll have to drop by my local Hancok's and pick up both silver and black snaps and then go pick out a frame for this monstrosity! It'll probably take both arms and both legs to pay my way out of that one! I've emailed all the stitchers in round 2 to see if anyone will take credit for their squares.....I've narrowed it down to a couple of months unclaimed on round 2 but unless I can find some hard copy documents (fingers crossed) from the 1st round I may never know who stitched a couple of these babies! Wahhhh If you want to get a better idea of what they look like all strung out like they should be you can look here: http://s214.photobucket.com/albums/cc56/wickedwitchmaggie/Finished/2009/
It has come to my attention that I should probably give credit where credit is due so here is a list of the dedicated stitchers and the corresponding months that they stitched for my Bent Creek Snapper RR! You are now being immotalized! Now if I can just figure out the last 2 months....
Jan – Me 2nd round
Feb – Me in the 1st round
Mar - ??
April - ??
May - Me in the 1st round
June - Me 2nd round
July – Arielle S in the 1st round
Aug – Colleen G 2nd round
Sept - Kim M & I 2nd round
Oct - Linda C 2nd round
Nov - Kim M 2nd round
Dec – Arielle S in the 1st round

The February installment of SanMan's 12 Days of Halloween SAL has been announced so I will have to get that going tonight. Here is a pic of it but don't expect mine to look like that cuz you KNOW I'm gonna have to make changes!!!! I'm thinking a bright yellow fabric??

Well that's it for now!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Yep I took another detour!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Wahoo! I'm ahead for February's Crabby Stitchin!
I'm ahead of my own schedule. Take note! It may NEVER happen again. I've finished February's part of Crabby and added 2.25 more letters to the heading. Now I'm off to stitch on Boo Club tomorrow night and maybe I'll pick up my CEC Carrots or Flip Flops to try to get some progress made on them too............

Saturday, February 7, 2009
SanMan 12 Days Of Halloween SAL
Well I got sucked in to another SAL.........of course it is Halloween themed. LOL I just couldn't resist. We will be stitching patterns Sandy at SanMan gifted her board members with just this past Halloween. January's is titled Fright Night I just got the pattern yesterday and as I couldn't seem to get sleepy last night I stayed up until 6:30 this morning stitching on it and got back up at 10:30 to begin again. LOL Insomnia actual accomplished something this time. I stitched it on Sandy's own overdyed "Puttin On The Ritz" Jazlyn fabric in 28 count and change up most of the floss colors.

Now it's back to Crabby and Boo Club until they post the next installment. Though I've been toying with the idea of stitching something small for Valentine's Day. Hmmmmmm will let you know.

Now it's back to Crabby and Boo Club until they post the next installment. Though I've been toying with the idea of stitching something small for Valentine's Day. Hmmmmmm will let you know.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Yeah Yeah Yeah I'm A Bad Blogger!

Well I have some update pics for my SAL's. Both Crabby and LK's Boo club. I'm trying hard to keep the stitching rhythm and seem to be doing okay but my blogging leaves A LOT to be desired. LOL Oh well stitching is more important right?
I'm right on track for both projects I think but need to decide if I like the yellow colored floss inside the Boo Club checkered border or not and if not change it out now before I get too far into it to make a change. As it is there would still be quite a bit of frogging to do. I'm not going to use white as the alternate color in the checkerboard but haven't quite made up my mind what other color I will use. LOL
As you can see on Crabby I used my artistic license to change the word "stinks" to "sucks" LOL it just fit me better!!!! Never can tell what changes I might make..........
Boo Double Flip,
Crabby All Year,
Lizzie Kate,
SAL. Lizzie Kate
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