I've been stitching but haven't seemed to be able to get a posting done. LOL By the time I'm done stitching for the day it is soooooooooo late I keep telling myself "Self, you just wait until tomorrow to update your lil ole blog; you are to tired to do it right now." While true it doesn't get a posting done now does it? So I'm gonna do one large update rather than several small ones. I've been having the urge to make Pinkeeps, Floss Tags and Fobs so I dug through my considerable stash looking for something that said "Pick Me!, Pick Me!" And low and behold
Shepherd's Bush's Glory Fob

was the loudest of the bunch so I've now stitched 2 of Long May She Wave......The next loudest was
Lavender Wings Tis A Grand Old Flag with Sam Sarah's Love & Country coming in a close 3rd.

SS's L&C has been on my To Do list for my friend Kay for quite some time so at least that is one on my list I can mark off. I'm thinking it is calling out to be Pinkeeped while the SB and LW are all asking to be fobbed. I'm thinking of making a Needlebook to go with the SB fobs but haven't as yet come up with a pattern that is perfect so if any of you have an idea please feel free to let me know. I came across someone
else's blog (can't for the life of me remember whose....my apologies) where they had just posted the receipt of a Floss Tag in an exchange. The pattern used was a piece of
Lizzie Kate's Meow Flip It

and I fell in love with the idea. I'm nearly through with the kitty and am stitching on the fish bowl for a coordinating fob and will be starting the "meow" piece for the back of the fob. I'm toying with the idea of stitching it again as all one piece to make a needle book but would rather find a piece that isn't the same but goes well ya know?

I've stitched all on my Lizzie Kate Boo Club Double Flip It piece that I can other than border until another installment is released. "sigh" I am not very patient about waiting either! I did a bit of searching on the net and even asked the LNS where I signed up to get them auto shipped and no where is there mention of when the next one will come out though they do say they will all be out by June. Hell's Bells it's just March! How long do I have to wait? Wah! :( Suer hope I don't lose my ooommph before they get here.
Crabby's March Wind is coming along just fine -

could have finished it last night but thought I better try to get some sleep since Monday is a work day you know. If I'd known I was going to be sick to my stomach this morning I would have just stayed up and finished it. LOL I've changed the design up to fit my definition of wind here in Texas which had to include tumbleweeds and dirt as it doesn't ever seem to blow without one or the other here.
I'm hoping to get the sewing urge soon so that I can get these fobs done up and then move on to trying my hand an finishing off the Pinkeeps and Floss Tags. I've done grommets before on overalls that I decorated for my cousin's little girl so the eyelets don't intimidate me but it's been a loooooong time since I've done any sewing.....gonna just have to dive in I guess. I bought my interfacing and batting the other day when I picked up snaps to finish off my Bent Creek Snapper piece so I don't even have the excuse of needing to run to Hancocks. I know once I break out the machine all will be well but just haven't done it yet. I guess I'm a little worried the finishing part will distract me from the stitching part and I am on
SUCH a roll! Speaking of finishing I did get my other package with all 4 of my BC Hello My Name Is Boo pieces along with my Mary Garry October Seasonal Momentos mailed off to my Fabulous Finisher Frances this past week and she emailed me yesterday to let me know the arrived safe and sound on Saturday. WooHoo I can't wait to get them home again so I can Gift them out!
Well if I'm gonna get any stitching done I'd best get off here and get to it! Again any suggestions for patterns to coordinate with these pieces for additional stitching accessories would be greatly appreciated.